Patrick Ludolph’s Hashtag #1
Patrick Ludolph announces the release of the first issue of his Hashtag magazine!
“I’m taking pictures almost every day and I post on Facebook, Instagram and my Blog. After less than a day all pictures are out of the timeline and nobody cares any longer about them. I think every artist wants his pictures to get on focus longer than just a few hours.
That’s why, I decided to create my own little magazine, a selection of my work from the last months. Mostly free work, only a few pictures that were made for clients.
I’ve choosen the square format because it makes the portrait and landscape layouts more flexible. After printing a dummy of the cover we thought it looked a lot like a cover of a vinyl record, so I decided to create a record artwork style as cover for the magazine, so it could stand perfectly in a shelf.
I’m trying to release a new issue evrey 3-4 months.”
See more here.
Photographer: Patrick Ludolph–